Zakaj izbrati Frendacne?

  • Personaliziran video za vsako priložnost
  • Hitra dostava (1-2 dni)
  • Garancija kakovosti (videi se pred pošiljanjem pregledajo)
  • Zagotovo vas bo nasmejal in osrečil.
Naročite svoj video po meri še danes

Naša zaveza Afriki in Pakistanu ❤️

Za vsako naročilo doniramo 1 $ za šolnino.

Izkusite veselje praznovanja in hkrati pomembno vplivajte . Z vsakim nakupom pomagate podpirati izobraževanje , hrano in upanje za otroke v Zambiji.
Raziščite nas zdaj in bodite del nečesa posebnega.

Naročite svoj video po meri še danes
1 od 2

Nepozabno darilo

Zakaj bi se zadovoljili z dolgočasnimi pozdravi, ko pa imate lahko ekstravaganco polno plesa? Naši voščilni videi bodo zagotovo pričarali nasmeh na obraz vseh!

Naročite svoj video po meri še danes


How do I order video?

1. Pick your favorite photo for us to print.

2. Write a short text (1-3 sentences) for our friends to say. We'll add it to the poster and speak it in the video.

3. Choose your favorite song and the starting point (e.g., Baby Song at 0:15).

4. If you have any special requests (e.g., Extra kisses on photo), mention them in the "Text on Poster" field.

How do I add song?

Add this to the field “Desired Song” : (0:30)"Jutin Bieber - Baby" OR insert the Youtube Link URL

When will I receive my orer?

Our delivery time is typically 1-2 days. If we receive a high volume of orders, there may be some delay. We can only process a limited number of orders per day, so we kindly ask for your patience. If your order is delayed, please wait a few days before reaching out to us.

Is this video just for a birthdays?

Certainly! We create videos for various occasions such as graduations, promotions, and Mother/Fathers's Day.

Do I Receive video on Email?

We'll send your video to you by email in HD . Please remember to check your spam folder, just in case it ends up there.

Will you share my video on TikTok?

We won't share your videos without your permission. To allow us to post your video on TikTok, you need to click on the "Post my video on TikTok" option.